Friday, August 30, 2013

September's Challenge: 5 Minute Plank

As promised here is September's Challenge a little early.
August's challenge was awesome and I really did feel wonderful not to mention the perks of losing some inches and gaining some definition.  My coach (Coach Lois) for the extra 10 day challenge handed me a BeachBody 5 minute Plank Challenge sheet which gave me a wonderful idea for my next challenge.  I couldn't find a good image of the calendar for the challenge so I recreated it below.  If you want more information you can contact Coach Lois @

Planking Information:
A = side plank (left)
B = side plank (right)
C = elbow plank
D = high plank (straight arms)
E = LSP (long slow plank -to failure)
F = push ups (on or off knees)
G = running plank
H = right/left knees to opposite elbows
I = Superman
J = Burbees with push up in between
K = AB ripper

Day 1
30 seconds:
A, C, B, D & J repeat
Advanced do: K
Day 2
Do E to failure record time
Bonus do F
(15-20 reps)
Day 3

Day 4
30 seconds:
A, C, B, & D repeat
Advanced do: K
Day 5
Do 30 seconds each: G, H, G & repeat
Day 6
Do E to failure record time
Bonus do F
(15-20 reps)
Day 7

Day 8
30 seconds:
A, C, B, D & J repeat

Advanced do: K
Day 9
Do E to failure record time
Do I for 60 seconds
Bonus do F
(15-20 reps)
Day 10

Day 11
30 seconds:
A, C, B, & D repeat

Advanced do: K
Day 12

Do 30 seconds each: G, H, G & repeat
Day 13
Do E to failure record time
Do I for 60 seconds
Bonus do F
(15-20 reps)
Day 14

Day 15
30 seconds:
A, C, B, D & J repeat

Advanced do: K
Day 16
Do E to failure record time
Do I for 60 seconds
Bonus do J
(15-20 reps)
Day 17

Day 18
30 seconds:
A, C, B, & D repeat

Advanced do: K
Day 19
Do 30 seconds each: G, H, G & repeat
Day 20
Do E to failure record time
Do I for 60 seconds
Bonus do F
(15-20 reps)
Day 21

Day 22
30 seconds:
A, C, B, D & J repeat

Advanced do: K
Day 23
Do E to failure record time
Do I for 60 seconds
Bonus do J
(15-20 reps)
Day 24

Day 25
30 seconds:
A, C, B, & D repeat

Advanced do: K
Day 26
Do 30 seconds each: G, H, G & repeat
Day 27
Do E to failure record time
Do I for 60 seconds
Bonus do F
(15-20 reps)
Day 28

Day 29
30 seconds:
A, C, B, D & J repeat
Advanced do: K
Day 30
Do E to failure record time
Do I for 60 seconds
Bonus do J
(15-20 reps)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Last Hurrah!

Yesterday ended the 10 day additional challenge, here's what I added as far as exercise goes and how I adapted the yoga challenge to fit.

10 Day Challenge started 8/19/13; ended 8/28/13
 Day 1
 Day 2
 Day 3
 Day 4
 Day 5
regular challenge
regular challenge
Cardio Dance
regular challenge
Cardio Dance
 Day 6
 Day 7
 Day 8
 Day 9
 Day 10
regular challenge
1 hr run
Cardio Dance

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
sets  2
27/partial rest

Already did my 29 this morning and will do the other half this evening.  I have found that splitting the routine up has made a big difference not only building strength but in preventing injury to my wrists as that can end up being a long amount of time as far as wrist strain can go between plank, cobra, and downward dog.  Just one more day -a whopping 60 total for tomorrow!  I feel GREAT! I've lost inches and gained some nice definition in my arms and of course a bonus with the 10 day challenge I lost 2.7 pounds in those 10 days.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


The wonderful woman who invited me to join in her 10 day challenge invited me to her "Insanity" workout this morning.  While it has been a long while since I've done anything that intense.  I am happy to say I was, for the most part, able to keep up.  There was one point where I thought I could potentially collapse -so I modified.  The best thing that surprised me the most was the fact that I could do a partial push up in full plank mode.  I have NEVER in my life been able to do any distance of a push up in full plank mode, so clearly my sun salutation challenge for this month has already drastically increased my upper body strength; and that is something I am very proud of!


When not rushing through my exorbitant number of repetitions, some good old fashioned slow meditative poses are always an awesome way to end the day.

Centering on your breath helps to reduce stress and has been known to cause epiphanies so use with care. :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013


I don't know if one day I will be able to do a handstand like this... that is not really my goal but I still wish that I could.  Strength is something that we all need to keep working on, not just in body, but in mind and soul as well.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


There are many wonderful things about yoga, flexibility is just one of them.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Beaching it Yoga Style

I would love to join this crowd and do tomorrow's 38 sun salutations with the smell of sea air, the rush of the waves, and the wind through the palms.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bear Plank

Image from:

Additional or Bonus Challenge

Call me crazy!  I joined a 10 day fitness challenge on top of my already 30 day challenge, so I will be making some adjustments to the calendar as well as showing what I have actually been doing since I blew by the rest day this past week and I wasn't looking at the calendar anyway to know what number I was on, I have been just doubling the number of the day of the month and that has been how many I have done.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
sets  2

This morning I rocked out all 34 repetitions in record time.  Talk about muscle fatigue! Phew!  Since I have been splitting up the routine into two sets due to early morning time constraints this morning's 12 minute stretch was a real scorcher!

10 Day Challenge starts 8/19/13; ends 8/28/13
 Day 1
 Day 2
 Day 3
 Day 4
 Day 5

 Day 6
 Day 7
 Day 8
 Day 9
 Day 10

I just have to figure out what I am going to put in those empty slots for those 10 days.  The challenge is a part of the Beach Body family involving Shakeology and clean eating.  I've done P90X in the past -unsuccessfully- so maybe I'll dust off those dvd's and try it again, for at least 10 days anyway.  The bonus is that I have a 5 day weekend starting on Wednesday of next week so I will have plenty of time to rock out what ever routine I feel like doing.  Though those 5 days are my last ditch effort to have some summer fun with my son before he goes back to school and I restart school.  I'll keep you posted on what happens.
Keep up the Challenges!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Begin in Mountain Pose

Image from:

Splitting the Difference

I timed myself yesterday to see how long it would take me to do my 18 Sun Salutations.  Weekends are the best for rocking out the full set.  I managed to do all 18 in just over 8 minutes -not bad if I do say so myself.

I found within the first few days that first thing in the morning I do not do well with a lot of deep breathing -I think I almost passed out going slowly last weekend, so I ramped it up a notch and just rocket through the transitions.  I know! Traditionally they are supposed to be meditative and slow with an exhale on the transitions and an inhale while holding the pose, but I can certainly feel my muscles working as I move quickly from pose to pose. Plus, moving at a quicker pace has allowed me to keep track better and when I start getting into the higher numbers I will not have the time to spend in the morning inhaling and exhaling my way and still be ready to leave the house on time if I am attempting to squeeze in 30 or more repetitions.

My other options as the numbers get higher I thought I would divide the amount in half.  Tomorrow I am on track to do 22, so I can do 11 in the morning and the other 11 when I get home from work, before I eat dinner.  Maybe I'll try and see if I can do the evening ones slow and with the breath like I'm supposed to.  ;)

Keep Breathing!  Keep Doing!  and Have Fun!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Benefits of Sun Salutation

#1 Why do Sun Salutation? This is probably the first question that comes to most of us. Sun Salutation is important for two reasons. One, it can be a great workout for the whole body – stretching, flexing and toning the muscles, an excellent exercise for weight loss. It also offers numerous health benefits beyond the physical level, relaxing the mind, leading it to meditation. Two, Sun Salutation gives us an opportunity to express gratitude to the sun, without which life on earth would be impossible!  

#2 Best time to do Sun Salutation? It is a good idea to do Surya Namaskar early morning at sunrise, on an empty stomach. 

#3 Can I do Sun Salutation in the evening? Yes. You can practice Sun Salutation at sunrise and sunset. When the moon is visible, you can practice Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar) which has one additional yoga posture in the Sun Salutation sequence.

#4 Where should I do Surya Namaskar? Although there is no restriction to the place of practice, you might enjoy your stretches more outdoors or a well-ventilated room, overlooking nature. 

#5 Respect your body limit; do not overstretch. As a beginner, you might be tempted to imitate your yoga teacher or fellow practitioner. But remember, each body has a different capacity and different flexibility. The idea is not to compete with anyone. Do only as much as you can or your body can take.

#6 What is the ideal number of Surya Namaskars? It is a good idea to do at least 12 rounds of Surya Namaskars daily (one set consists of two rounds – six with the right leg, six with the other). However, as a beginner to this yoga practice, you could start with two to four rounds and then gradually go up to as many as you can comfortably do (even up to 108 if you can!)
Ideally, the practice is done in sets. This will ensure that both sides of the body are equally used. 

#7 Sun Salutation alone is not sufficient; combine it with other yoga postures Although Sun Salutation is a complete body workout, it is good to top it up with other more intense yoga postures for a complete fitness experience. Consult your Sri Sri Yoga teacher to find the best yoga poses that should follow Surya Namaskar. 

#8 What speed should I follow for Sun Salutation? Practicing Sun Salutation at different speeds (slow, medium or fast) can have different effects. If done at a slow pace, it can help strengthen and tone body muscles. Use the breath as an effective tool in slow movements to bring the body, mind and breath in harmony and enjoy a complete meditative experience. A few rounds of quick Sun Salutations can be a great cardiac workout. If you are doing Surya Namaskar as a warm-up exercise, do it at a fast pace. But if Sun Salutation is included in the entire yoga posture package, you can do it at slow to medium pace. 

#9 Learn Sun Salutation under supervision. Like any other yoga posture practice, it is important to learn Sun Salutation under the guidance of a trained and experienced yoga teacher. 

#10 Consult a doctor if you have a back problem. If you are suffering from persistent back pain, any other pain in the body or some chronic physical problem, it is advisable to consult a doctor before beginning the practice. 

#11 Be regular and committed to your yoga practice. To achieve best results, ensure that you practice Sun Salutation regularly. Only then would you be able to experience its benefits. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Yoga Inspirational!

A little inspirational video on the powers of yoga, believing in yourself, and having others believe in you!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Deep in Breath

This morning as I was counting down my 4 sun salutations I lost myself in my deep breathing and the joy of the flow of movement.  I completely forgot what number I was on: was it my 3rd or was it my 4th?  I laughed at myself and told my son, who jokingly told me to start all over again, so I did one more just in case.

How am I going to keep track as the numbers get higher?  I am open to suggestions!