Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Positivity Track!

October must be Positive Awareness month along with all the other national insert-your-cause-here awareness!  Maybe it has to do with the change in weather from bright, warm, sunny days to the cooler and sometimes downright crisp transition into winter.  Spirits, I guess, must be on a down ward spin as we prepare ourselves for an emotional hibernation.  What ever the cause or reason for magazines to put in blurbs of how-tos or full on articles about positive thinking it coincides perfectly with my challenge for this month.

In my one and only magazine subscription, Prevention Magazine, there is a one page blurb "4 Moves to Feel Happier."  In a nutshell here are the points (and really there are 5):

  1. Dress for success with a "happy" wardrobe -choose colors you associate with being happy, upbeat, and positive.
  2. Improve gratitude with a thank you -write to someone who has supported you in some way that really impacted your life, letting them know that their actions really mattered.
  3. Elicit the help of strangers to improve enthusiasm -surrounding yourself with an energetic crowd (i.e. a sporting event) can help you push through motivational blocks later on.
  4. Improve optimism with an open door -We all remember the lost opportunity, try and remember those opportunities gained by losing that one.
  5. Curiosity is the road to knowledge -ever wonder about something?  Dig deeper to find out more and then share with friends and family.
Bolster your mood today!  Try one a day for a week or all of them every day, see how you can change your attitude -not just about the upcoming winter hibernation, but about life, about yourself, and those that you love.  Most of all have fun.  Make a leaf pile to jump in.  Build a fort in the living room (even if you don't have children).  Bake some homemade goodies (from scratch) to bring back those warm childhood memories -and, it makes the house smell nice.

Trespicio, Terri (Nov 2012). 4 Moves to Feel Happier.  Prevention, vol 64 (no. 11). pg 30.

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