Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Week 1

I didn't think that I would see too many differences between my normal diet and the Whole30 diet.  I have to admit that according to my fitbit (which can record sleep habits) I have not been waking at 1am which has been a normal occurrence for probably the last year or so.  Better sleep is a definite plus, although the past two nights I've just seemed to have too much energy to really go to sleep; must be all that good organic food.  

Chia/Sunflower Pudding
On two separate nights, both following a swim, I woke with leg cramps in my calf muscles not quite as severe as a Charlie horse but still rather painful.  Because of the amount of fresh vitamins and minerals I have been receiving through this diet they can't be caused by a deficiency, except maybe potassium since I haven't had any banana's for over a week and though sweet potatoes and yams I believe are OK to have I just haven't had any.  I plan on going for another swim this afternoon, so I will be sure to stretch my calves afterward and see if the issue occurs again tonight.

sunflowers paste and soaking
I am still having hunger issues, but now carry mixed nuts (minus peanuts) with me to work.  Over the weekend I soaked some raw sunflower seeds to make my own sunflower version of Tahini.  That combined with chia gel, some fresh fruit with seasonings, and a little almond milk make a great any time dessert like snack.  I think I might try spreading the sunflower paste into some celery sticks to make a version of ants on a log.  Yum!  

Well here’s to the start of week 2!

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