Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April's Pitiful Wrap UP

While the month started out a bit cool though sunny... my plans for the international Bike Challenge were derailed by a garage door frozen shut, temperatures that fluctuated erratically and a bit psychotically (if you ask me), and way too much snow.
As for my accomplishment of this challenge a definite thumbs down.  Between the weekly snow falls I think I managed a whooping 10 days of actually biking -one of which was done in full winter gear.  Needless to say I really do NOT like biking in snow and honestly don't understand how a good chunk of the population of avid bikers here in this cold Northern Midwest state manage to do it year round.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 1:cold and wet

This first week of April was mighty cold and wet forcing me to keep my rides short -and well between the fluctuating temperatures of 40/50 degrees one day back to 30 the next, my garage door froze shut so there was one missed day of riding mainly because I couldn't get the bike out.

Check out the upcoming CRAZY April weather for this week's riding
Best get out the rain coat and boots, looks like some even wetter rides.

On the bright side I think I found June's Challenge (May is already dedicated to my final training for my run on the 31st.): http://skinnyms.com/fabulous-abs-in-30-days-challenge/